Slow Fashion: 'You can wear my shirts for 50 years'

There is a growing trend within the fashion world for sustainable, ethical clothing. At the forefront of this movement is Carin Mansfield, a designer who devotes herself to the art of "slow fashion".

This style is, she says, designed to oppose the "fast food" approach to fashion, practised by chains on the high street.

From her small, independent shop in central London, In-ku, she sells clothes inspired by old workwear, each garment made individually and locally. You can learn more about ethical fashion in this article.

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This video is a part of a pilot series from the BBC Business Unit called My Shop. A video journalist visits the premises of an independent shopkeeper who is following a distinctive business model. The whole encounter is filmed on a mobile phone, to give a snapshot of the business in as informal and unobtrusive way as possible. Each series looks at a specific geographical area.

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